People are mad as hell, and rightfully so, over the President's outrageous action this weekend, his denial of free passage to Muslim air travelers on suspicion of religious affiliation.
"We have a President who says 'I don't follow the law, I don't care, I'm already sitting in the seat'," argues 'Young Turk' Cenk Uygur. "There really isn't any other legal action to be taken against the President who won't follow the law other than impeachment." Impeachment is a possibility that many find unlikely, but...
Are we really stuck with President Trump? asks Georgetown University Law Center professor Rosa Brooks.
"Yes, he is as crazy as everyone feared," she confirms. Pre-inauguration fantasies that Trump would modify his views after taking office have been dispelled during the earliest days of his administration.
Brooks considers four ways to discharge a president in her commentary to the Washington Post. She missed a fifth, a move exemplified Monday night by acting attorney general Sally Yates: the refusal of millions of people across this country to follow his orders.
Resistance to illegitimate governance blossomed today as retired Colonel Ann Wright interrupted the confirmation hearing of Trump's nominee for U.S. Attorney General, Alabama Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III. "I say no to Jeff Sessions, no to hatred, no to racism, no to the ban on refugees," shouted the co-author of the book Dissent: Voices of Conscience before being roughly yanked out of the room by a guard. Of special note: the former soldier received the State Department's Award for Heroism in 1997, the same year an Alabama judge accused Jeff Sessions' State Attorney General's office of gross prosecutorial misconduct.
We look forward to more disruption to business-as-usual in the coming days.