State Torture: October 2008 Archives

an easy mistake

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I had a friend call yesterday with word that 5 Guantanamo prisoners had been freed.

An easy but mistaken assumption.  There was a time when dropped charges meant release.  Before the effective death of habeas corpus.  Despite Supreme Court rulings against the practice, your government continues to follow a policy of indefinite detention.

a precedence has been laid

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I watched this graphic documentary--"Torturing Democracy" tonight on PBS. At first it made me angry. Very angry. Then as the documentary continued it set in that this is very real. That what is going on in gitmo, and in Iraq, and in hundreds of CIA black facilities around the world is very, very real. That America and many Americans have accepted "torture" as a needed technique. That this administration and this president has sunk to such un-American ideals and practices, have circumvented international laws and Geneva conventions, simply by relabeling practices, peoples and techniques is so surreal I wept. A precedence has been laid--and accepted. A new low has been assimilated into the fabric of this nation, an assimilation that has sent a signal to the world for acceptance. An acceptance that WILL at some point come back to strike American POWs and "enemy combatants" in the same way.

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Important Reading

Physicians for Human Rights
Broken Laws, Broken Lives

NLG White Paper

The President's Executioner

Detention and torture in Guantanamo

About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the State Torture category from October 2008.

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