The actual blog posts represent a variety of accuracy and quality in line with the breadth of writing professionalism on the net. Scanning the last 300 articles on my John Yoo google alerts news feed from the last 48 hours, here is a sampling of headlines which tell the story in themselves.
- The Choice Has Been Made: Yoo and Bybee Over America and Humanity
- The OPR report: this era's 'Hiroshima'
- Obama's policy is the same as Bush's
- Torture Bored How we've erased the legal lines around torture and replaced them with nothing.
- Yoo and Bybee, Poor Judgment Indeed
- The brutality of American exceptionalism
- "American Takfiris": The US Proponents of Torture (and Why It Matters)
- John Yoo is 'vindicated': Presumably he gets to keep his Inquirer job
- The flailing falsehoods of America's war criminals
- Yoo, Bybee, And Disinformation
- THESE BASTARDS: He's a peach, isn't he?
- Lawyers, Americas Impaired Intellectuals
- John Yoo: President Has So Much Power He Can Order Civilians "Massacred"
- Yoo: 'Sure,' The President Could Order A Village Of Civilians Massacred
- Yoo Called Civilian Slaughter OK
- John Yoo, Douchebag
- Yoo Forgot He Approved Waterboarding
- The Torture Memo Author You've Never Heard Of
- Jennifer Hardy: Torture Princess
- DisbarTortureLawyers Campaign To File OPR Report Today To Supplement Fifteen Disbarment Complaints
- The OPR Report Is Only the Beginning Yoo's Attorney On Blasts OPR For 'Shockingly Substandard Legal Work'
- The OPR Report Is Only the Beginning
- David Margolis Is Wrong - The Justice Department's ethics investigation shouldn't leave John Yoo and Jay Bybee home free.
- Vindicating John Yoo - Bush lawyers are found to have acted ethically, unlike their accusers.
- Cheney's baby: A monster named Torture