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Rebel groups like Sudan's Justice and Equality Movement, shown in this video frame, use child soldiers. The United States will exempt four governments from penalties for doing so. [Al Jazeera] |
Curt Wechsler, The World Can't Wait: October 2010 Archives
Thanks to an October 2001 opinion by John Yoo and Robert J. Delahunty,  the legal floodgates were opened to implementation of martial law, evidenced by transformation of the Coast Guard from a federal policing agency into a domestic military force:

Earlier this month, the United States Coast Guard upheld its self-declared status as a 'special' branch of the military with the ability to prosecute civilians in military tribunals. This startling declaration, unreported in the media, came in a Decision on Appeal related to the case of Lieutenant Eric Shine, a commissioned Naval officer in the Merchant Marines and a graduate of Kings Point Military Service Academy, and was penned by the Vice Commandant of the Coast Guard...
Download an interview with Eric Shine about his case, the Coast Guard and the open implementation of martial law here
Photo c/o Global Research
Lawyers say the once-secret logs stand apart from other reports about the Iraqi security agencies because the accounts of mistreatment are recorded -- and sometimes corroborated -- by the Americans themselves.
"It's not as if, if we didn't have these documents, we wouldn't know that torture was widespread," said Matthew Pollard, who works as a legal adviser for Amnesty International, a human rights group which repeatedly warned that abuse was widespread in Iraq. "What's new is confirmation -- in their own documents -- that they didn't dispute that."

documents describe Iraqis torturing Iraqi detainees, sometimes using electrocution, electric drills and in some cases even executing detainees...
US military knew of the abuses, the documents suggest, but reports were sent up the chain of command marked "no further investigation"...

The war logs show that the victims of the Iraq war are not only soldiers and insurgents, but mainly civilians. This photo shows an Iraqi girl squatting among blood stains on the side of a street in Tal Afar on Jan. 18, 2005. She has just lost her parents. US soldiers opened fire on their car after it failed to stop and came toward the troops, despite warning shots. According to the report of the operation, the car did not react to a stop signal. The soldiers shot first at the tires and then at the car itself. The mother and father died, but the four children survived.

Time: 11 a.m. check-in, noon program, 1 p.m. book signing
Cost:Â $15 members, $30 non-members, $7 students (with valid ID). Premium (copy of Rice's new book and seating in the first few rows) $60 members, $80 non-members.
Also know:Â Attendees may be subject to search. Underwritten by the Koret Foundation as part of the Principles of a Free Society Series.

Obama has disappointed the left on many, many things. This is just one more. But it may be the one with the longest historical reach, i.e. a reach across generations who will wonder what happened to rights as citizens, constitutional checks and balances, and the role of the presidency as but one branch of government. -Â RYVIEWPOINT

KABUL - A detainee being held by troops from the NATO-led force in Afghanistan was found dead in his holding cell, and an investigation is underway, the force said in a statement on Monday.
The man was captured during a military operation by the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) on Saturday and was "found dead" the following day in his cell in Kandahar province, ISAF said in a statement...
Prisoner abuse and deaths of detainees while in the custody of foreign troops is a sensitive subject for many Afghans after U.S. troops beat to death two prisoners in 2002 at the old Bagram prison at the U.S. Bagram Air Base north of Kabul.
REUTERS story here

Special Report: Detainee Experimentation Program Revealed
For the past seven months, Truthout reporter Jason Leopold and contributor Jeffrey Kaye investigated the origins of a little-known directive issued in March 2002 by former Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz that severely weakened protections implemented decades ago against human subject research and experimentation conducted by the Department of Defense (DoD).
This directive, "Protection of Human Subjects and Adherence to Ethical Standards in DoD-Supported Research," was issued about a month after President George W. Bush stripped "war on terror" detainees of traditional prisoner-of-war protections under the Geneva Conventions. It limited safeguards against research and experimentation to "prisoners of war."
Drawing on interviews with more than 15 former military and intelligence officials and ethical scholars, Leopold's and Kaye's investigation found that the Wolfowitz directive became the legal document the DoD used to support a top-secret interrogation program at Guantanamo where psychologists and interrogators experimented on ways to glean information from unwilling detainees to measure levels of stress and to achieve "deception detection."
Protests and Speeches Mark Berkeley's First Annual "Say No to Torture" Week
Thursday 14 October 2010
by: Nadia Prupis, t r u t h o u t | Report
As the heat rose in Berkeley, California, this week, so did the temperament of the students, faculty and organizations that formed the city's first "Say No to Torture" week, a seven-day call to action created by World Can't Wait, Progressive Democrats of America, and several other groups. The week was developed in response to the recent surfacing of evidence of torture used abroad by US forces, with Berkeley feeling a particularly personal stake in the effort as the home of law professor and alleged war criminal John Yoo...
Image Source:Â Michael Restrepo/Staff/The Daily Californian/Berkeley Demonstrates Against Torture

I believe that art can represent a permanent accusation, the only means we, as artists, have at our disposal to keep alive an idea that should never burn out: that we must never accept the unacceptable, and that any group, people or nation, if it loses its moral compass, can descend into violence and succumb to the horrors of barbarism. -- Fernando Botero
c/o Alex Friedrich, Katie Broadwell reports:

Katie Broadwell/TommieMedia
Dramatic stuff
TommieMedia reports how demonstrators hit St. Thomas School of Law yesterday to criticize two participants in a panel discussion -- St. Thomas law professor Robert Delahunty, and University of California-Berkeley law professor John Yoo -- whose legal memos to the Bush Administration they say condoned torture and facilitated its use during the War on Terror.
Stone-Walled by Obama Justice Department
Saturday, October 2, 2010
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- "Shut Down Guantanamo, Meet with Us! We Demand Justice, Meet with Us!" A group of fifteen anti-torture activists picketed the Obama Justice Department this afternoon.
After meeting with the Justice Department's Office of Intergovernmental and Public Liaison on June, 15 2010 to discuss the Obama administration's controversial record on detention issues, a coalition of human rights advocates were promised further dialogue with the Department. However they have been denied any further meeting, despite repeated requests. No one at the Justice Department responded to the multiple follow up letters and phone calls.
"This is the kind of treatment that compels us to the streets, to direct action, to witness and organize for justice instead of lobbying for it. This is why we are laying the ground work for a twelve day fast and daily vigil in January 2011," says Matt Daloisio, an organizer with Witness Against Torture. "January 11 is the date in 2002 that the first 'enemy combatants' were brought to Guantanamo. We will demonstrate and fast each day through January 22--the day of broken promises, when President Obama signed the executive order closing Guantanamo and ending torture in 2009."
UC Berkeley Billboard

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Events & Calendars
Important Reading
Physicians for Human RightsBroken Laws, Broken Lives
NLG White Paper
The President's Executioner
Detention and torture in Guantanamo